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Enhancing employee communications with Sage People

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Keeping in Touch During Covid Times

With the ongoing pandemic and restrictions imposed, keeping abreast of the impact in the workplace is critical. From the work that we undertake with our clients, we are finding there are a few key groups that need improved communications more than most. Those returning from furlough and resuming a 'normal working environment' in addition to an increasingly remote workforce, need to take additional measures to ensure effective communication with their teams.

Action Events

Remember, Sage People by default includes "team members home" as a contact method for action events, so you don't need to go reinventing the wheel to contact people who are furloughed. Regular communications that they might need to be kept up to date with can be sent to their home email address.


Just as with Action Events, you can use workflows to email team members using their home email addresses This can be especially useful to notify people of changes they might encounter as they return to the workplace or vital communications that they may have otherwise missed while furloughed.

HR Noticeboards

These are a great tool to help you spread messages to your teams via WX. If your business is returning to life in the office and you need to ensure new measures are being met, share those measures with your teams through an HR noticeboard. Top tip: incorporate distinctive imagery into your HR Noticeboards to make sure they stand out and grab the required attention from your people.

Internal Communications

This type of WX process will allow you to share information with your teams via WX as well as enabling you to gather confirmation of receipt and report on it. If you need to share important information about returning to the office, including measures to protect your employees' health, consider using a confirmation option to ensure your teams have read the communication. You can also activate your daily digest to trigger an out of the box email reminder to colleagues to review their communication actions.

Pulse Surveys

With Pulse Surveys, Business leaders will be able to gauge on a regular basis how staff feel about certain topics. It's best practice to regularly source feedback on the same measures to determine if the initiatives that have been put in place are having the desired effect (i.e. that progress is being made to address any concerns areas). Pulse Surveys in Sage People are straight forward to set up and easy to access by staff via the employee self-service portal (known as the WX). And because of the powerful reporting module, Sage People enables HR to report on the results in real-time, draft trend reports and to add the results to HR Dashboards that are typically shared with business leaders.

If you have not used this functionality for a while and would like a reminder, feel free to get in touch with us, to discuss training options that might assist you in creating effective communication strategies during this challenging time.

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