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Sage People Winter 20 Release

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As the season turns, Sage People are getting ready to release their next set of enhancements with the Sage People Winter 20 Release. With this latest release, they are aiming to improve efficiencies and offer users more flexible ways of working while improving engagement.

Aligning with Salesforce

Also, with this release, Sage People have dropped the nautical theme and now base the naming and timing of their releases on the Salesforce model. Salesforce, in some cases, announces new functionality a year in advance hence Winter 2020. In reality, Sage People are updating their customer live orgs on the 28 October (for EU8, EU9 and EU15 located orgs) and then on 4 November for all others


Sage People Winter 20 Release includes the following new features:

  • Groups and teams - improve how users organise, develop, recognise and communicate. Enables self-service users to create project groups, etc. and administer these. Groups can be formed across reporting lines for agile project planning purposes rather than hierarchy based.
  • Absence accrual log pagination - improves the user experience and performance of absence accruals. These screens have been made more manageable by enabling HR Managers to view results based on a date range.
  • Absence calculator 2.0 now in payflow - extending the recently improved absence calculator to payflow. This means payflow can now include absence records created as part of the new Time Off functionality.
  • Delegated access to timesheets for executive assistants - creates more flexibility around timesheet management. For example, delegated assistants can now create, submit and approve timesheets for their manager or their colleagues.
  • Absence balance enhancements - improve visibility of leave balances so you can plan more effectively. Accrual balance can now be displayed in the hr portal for any absence type that accrues, e.g. additional or voluntary entitlements, etc. and not just accruals based on holiday patterns.
  • Continuous conversations (beta) - improve how you manage performance through better engagement. Replaces the continuous feedback functionality. Continuous conversations are more flexible and are not coupled to Performance Reviews anymore. So Continuous conversations can occur independently from the Performance Review screen in the self-service. Managers and direct reports can now also add attachments to conversations.
  • People management workflow (pilot) - enhances the user experience of people management processes. The pilot begins week commencing 11 November. This enhancement is set to revolutionise how managers work with HR Requests. A new user interface means that manager-based changes, promotions, etc. have separate screens. Managers can also generate proposed changes for several employees at one time.
  • Update to the hiring manager portal - gives hiring managers more flexibility and control over their job posts. Further fields can be presented to hiring managers, as part of the list of vacancies that they see, as well as individual vacancies themselves, so that they have all the information they need to hand.


To find out more about the enhancements, or if you would like any support or help to get the most from your Sage People investment, please call us on 01908 030360 or contact us

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