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Sage People Nautilus Release

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We are looking forward to the new forthcoming Sage People Nautilus Release that is in the pipeline. This latest update will help to deliver improved visibility and control of the entire workforce with targeted and tailored communications, continuous feedback mechanisms and enhanced user experience across the system.

We particularly like the improvement to the Performance module where key components for performance assessment have been consolidated in a single, easy-to-digest overview. Now managers can access objectives, and review and update them with all the relevant context to hand, such as continuous feedback, providing a highly informative and interactive performance review experience.

Performance Review now also allows the capture of two-way feedback on an employee's performance throughout the review period. Managers and employees can add comments, actions and goals. There is a choice to keep it informal, or add a formal check-in process.

So, exciting times as Sage People continues to finetune and improve things as part of it's continued commitment to deliver a HR system which not only meets today people management requirements but future ones.

If you would like any help in upgrading Sage People, or would like to discuss any points raised in this article please call us on 01327 317701 or contact us

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