What has lockdown taught us about our people?

Reasons why you should integrate your Learning Management System (LMS) with your HR system
With Gartner predicting that 82% of respondents to a recent survey intend to permit remote working some of the time as employees return to the workplace, most companies are going to have to find new and innovative ways to enable employees to work from home.
One of the immediate challenges is and has been how companies continue to upskill their employees remotely, with 53% of organisations now prioritising learning and development strategies over the next year, whilst a shocking 75% of L&D managers have identified a key skills gap within their company over the course of the pandemic according to this HRGrapevine article.
It's no surprise that 'online courses' has been very popular over the recent few months with Google reporting a 192% increase in online courses between February and March 2020 alone. LinkedIn Learning content increased by 73% alone in March, with more than 1.2million hours of learning content being consumed in a single week.
The requirement for L&D departments to move from face-to-face training to online learning has been the obvious shift and Cornerstone reporting that in March 2020, learners spent 27.5million hours on Cornerstone Learning, with around 40% of Cornerstone Learning clients witnessing an increase in logins compared to February 2020.
Current trends on upskilling and reskilling employees are highlighted in a recent report commissioned by Workable, Training Journal and TalentLMS. Some key findings include the above results and also highlight some interesting consequences of the increased online training initiatives such as 91% of companies and 81% of employees say upskilling/reskilling training has boosted productivity at work. Other benefits included:
- 62% of employees hoped that reskilling and upskilling training would positively affect their job level and/or salary. However, only 33% and 35%, respectively say there's been a significant change in compensation and growth within the company.
- 66% of employees ranked the joy of learning new things and developing new skills as the top upskilling motivator.
- 80% of employees say that upskilling/reskilling training has boosted their confidence.
Surprisingly 42% of employees said that they had pursued training on their own after the coronavirus outbreak, which would indicate that there is a desire to learn new skills not fulfilled by companies.
In this blog on the TalentLMS website, it highlights twelve (12) benefits on online training and development that addresses most of the challenges of moving to a remote-first learning strategy. The most beneficial aspects are that it's convenient and flexible (in your own time and wherever it suits the learner) as well as being cost-effective and an excellent way of incorporating blended learning in a fun way.
Here are some L&D experts reveal winning strategies for training remote workers. These range from help to become self-directed learners, chunking learning into small pieces to using quizzes, exercises, group discussions, and real-life simulation in your online training.
Many companies have started to integrate their various HR systems and are using the data in their HR system as a single source of truth. There are multiple benefits of integrating a company's LMS to the HRIS as detailed in this eLearning Industry blog. TalentLMS gives four reasons for integrating your LMS to your HR system as detailed in this blog which has helped lead to improved employee retention by 82% and increased productivity by 70%.
Tugela People offer both Learning Management Solutions and Services. Click here to find out more
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