Take advantage of the opportunity to up skill your HR Teams on Sage People banner


Take advantage of the opportunity to up skill your HR Teams on Sage People

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With the rise in remote working due to Corona Virus, many HR departments are finding themselves with increased capacity. This is the ideal opportunity for you to enhance your HR Team's knowledge in the features and strengths of Sage People.

Additionally if new capabilities or upgrades are required to support your pool of remote employees, your HR resources will require training and support to implement these and to take advantage of those system enhancements.

As a preferred partner and accredited Sage People trainer we have been offering bespoke Sage People training services to global mid-range organisations since 2012.  

We pride ourselves in ensuring your team is self-sufficient in making changes and delivering new functionality, thus reducing the total cost of ownership to ensure that you maximise your return on your Sage People investment.

We are able to provide both individual and team training sessions on any aspect of Sage People. We also offer a combination upgrade/ training package, where we will manage the upgrade on your behalf. 

All training is provided remotely, overcoming the challenge in avoiding face-to-face meetings and accessing employees whom are home based due the current climate.

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